So today I figured that as my blog was titled 'Makeup, Fashion & Musings' that I would do a post which related to the latter. Essentially, a waffle/update post as I don't often do them these days. So, down to brass taxes...
Firstly, I finished university. I graduated on the 13th of July 2011 with a high 2:1, graduating within the top ten students for the History, Welsh History and Archaeology department in Bangor University, North Wales. I was ecstatic about that as I've never worked harder on anything in my life. I don't think my family necessarily understand how hard I worked as it was always 'well, you didn't work through uni' I didn't because every waking moment was spent doing uni work and I was always up by 9am working, not lounging about as is the stereotype. However, I don't think my parents will ever see me as anything other than a waste of space who seeks their support, even though my in-laws put me up for my last two years in uni at very little expense to myself as my rent was very reasonable. I've been incredibly fortunate.
Now I'm at a crossroads in my life and it's pretty confusing, to say the least. I would like to go on and do my Masters in History as I would love to lecture and be a career historian, but the question is how do I work on the MA AND work a job to fund it? I'm such a perfectionist that I'd probably die from working too hard on a full time MA and a part/full time job. Also, is it the right time? I want to be a career historian, but can I afford to take more time out of my life, as I'm already 26 and made too many mistakes in the past, to put off getting my own home and family? There's a lot to consider and I've got an interview on Tuesday for a 10 week placement and I'm going to go to it but don't know what to do. It's all very confusing! I'd love to be a full time YouTuber and Beauty blogger, but that isn't going to happen. I seem to choose incredibly difficult to break career paths! Either way, I need to decide soon and get my life in order because I've made too much of a mess of the past to mess up my future too. I might just have to work as much as I can until next September so I can do the MA then as I will have more money behind me then, I don't know.
Finding work has been really tough. If you are looking for work too, I feel your pain and wish you all the best. Certain professions are incredibly hard to get into and require so much patience, time and experience but getting the experience is a problem in itself. So chin up to you all and don't lost hope. We're in this together =) Hope you are all well and remember that I appreciate all of my blog followers an immense amount!
Nicole x
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